Reading group / Groupe de travail

Perverse sheaves

Institut Camille Jordan, July 24-28, 2017.

What is a perverse sheaf?
Room: Salle Séminaire 2.


  M T W T F
10:00-11:30 0 2 4 7 10
14:00-15:30 1 3 5 8 11
15:45-17:15     6 9  



[BBD]: Belinson, Berstein, Deligne: Faisceaux pervers. Asterisque 100.
[dCM]: De Cataldo, Migliorini: The decomposition theorem, perverse sheaves.
[HTT]: Hotta, Takeuchi, Tanisaki: D-modules, perverse sheaves and representation theory.
[W]: Williamson's Bourbaki talk on the decomposition theorem (after [dCM]).
If you are interested, please contact Lie Fu.

This reading group is supported by the project "Cyles algébriques des variétés de Calabi-Yau et théorie de Hodge" financed by Fédération de Recherche en Mathématiques Rhône-Alpes/Auvergne.